11-10-22 Meeting Notes
Presentations of faith Modern Paganism - postponed due to illness Introductions/event awareness Soul sunday - interfaith prayers at Fuller Dome at 10:30am every sunday PFlag/Rainbow house - youth event SIUE IHP - international students are available for host...
11-10-22 Meeting Notes
Jesse, Chris, Roger, Amy, John Craig, Violet Evans, John (Guest) Presentations of faith Modern Paganism - postponed due to illness Introductions/event awareness Soul sunday - interfaith prayers at Fuller Dome at 10:30am every sunday PFlag/Rainbow house - youth event...
10-6-22 Meeting Notes
Jesse, Amy, John, Alice, Roger, Jamal Unity Fest Event feedback Location Panel discussions were less attended due to distance Not all facilitators arrived Not sure if location only Might be too much competition for performances and speakers Easily schedule follow-up...
2022 Fall Events
Race, Religion & Harmony - A Moderated Community Discussion Thursday, December 8th, 6:00-8:00 PM Join us as we dive into the cultural responsibility of a harmonious community. Coexisting, race relations, religious tolerance and respect will be our focus ending...
7-28-22 Meeting Notes
Attendees – Jesse Allen, John Craig, Amy Sedor, Alice Langston, Roger Lutley, Chris Johnon, Peg Flach and Jarian Stith Directors Report – Connected with Metro-East Interfaith Partnership through Center for Racial Harmony 30th anniversary planning meeting - Scheduled...
6-30-22 Meeting Notes
Attendees: Peg, ash, jessie, jamal, john Director’s report 501C3 status - August 4th is 90 days from application Attended Collinsville Juneteenth Group art project participation Good weather Passed out info on event, nice conversations 3 tentative booths Black student...
Jesse has a message
6-16-22 Meeting Notes
Attendees Lindy Wagner - SIUE Hub Jamal, Jesse Discussion Will bring volunteers Will have own booth (to be confirmed) Will introduce more student group/performers Diversity Day will take place in mid Oct Welcome reception at SIUE, EU welcome to participate Is...
2-10-22 Meeting Notes
Attendees: Jamal, Jesse, Jerril Jones and Treasurer Paula Badger (Center for Racial Harmony ), Ash (human2human), Walter Williams - President NAACP Edwardsville, John Craig, Pastor David Done Date selected: Saturday, Oct 1, 2022 at LeClaire Park 12-4pm Discussion...
3-17-22 Meeting Notes
Attendees: Jamal, Jesse, Mayor Art Risavy, Trina Alderman for Leclaire area SJ Elizabeth grant New event fee? Only for new BBQ event leaving mess, nothing must be left there Is there park labor required/involved? We have $250 of city funds Electricity costs A parks...
3-24-22 Meeting Notes
Attendees: Jesse, roger, ash, jeral, paula, amy (Pflag), drew (first baptist), john, pastor david, Peg (unitarian church) Done Date: sat, oct 1 or sun, Oct 2, 12-4 Need rain date? Moose Lodge? Wildey? Eden? Met with mayor 501(3)C paperwork in process Meet with other...
3-30-22 Meeting Notes
Done Met with Edwardsville library Concerned about partisanship and religious organizations Will introduce diverse authors Reading at public library Sent park map to City officials Sent invites to SIUE Muslim group and local mosque Mike Kaan - Grove Organizer...
3-10-22 Meeting Notes
Attendees introductions: Jesse, john craig, jamal, roger, ash, drew (first baptist church) Discussion Non-profit status Edwardsville Unity (NFP) Event theme: i am, because we are Met with Ben Louder - CSS Has a 15 min speech on spiritual union of man and nature Met...
3-23-22 Meeting Notes
Done Made contact with Latino Roundtable Will attend next meeting Discussion Small business social - april 6th - Jesse Assignments All Share planning meeting info out Wal Witman Reach out to young baker for participation Ask pastors/ministers to participate in event...
4-7-22 Meeting Notes
opening/introductions Attendees: Jesse, jamal, liang, john, Roger Directors report Met with director of Edwardsville Library Concern with religious affiliation Met with director of YMCA - Meyer Center Asked for email Interested in participating, open to Fuller Dome...
4-21-22 Meeting Notes
Directors report Met with human2human Interested in facilitating panel discussion groups Interested in speaking Met with Edwardsville Neighbors Interested, will run idea of participation by board Met with Muslum Student Union president Participated in breaking...
5-5-22 Meeting Notes
Intros - Jesse, Jamal, Roger, John, Liang, Jarian Director report Attempted to reach Sign-o-rama owner, not yet connected CCC involvement - environmental event consultant Restore Decor - applied for donor status Setup bank account Mentoring w Purpose - offered...
1-13-22 Meeting Notes
Done Reaching out to chamber of commerce Seeking minority owned restaurants Begin letter to vendors Discussion Event details Saturday, Oct 1 LeClaire Park - recommended by Trina at Parks and Rec Other edwardsville events Potential vendors Minority owned restaurants...
Soul Sunday
Finding yourself is not really how it works. You aren’t a ten dollar bill in last winter’s coat pocket. You are also not lost…
Unity Fest 2022
The first ever Unity Fest will be held 12-4 PM on October 1st of 2022 at Leclaire Park, Edwardsville. We are soliciting fellow well-wishers of humanity, both individuals and organizations, to help with the success of this event.