Edwardsville Unity Member Meetings
- January 12th and 26th, 6-8 PM, February 9th and 23rd at Edwardsville Library
- Typically, every other Thursday
- Sharing and listening to diverse perspectives
- Exploring the skills to build new communities
- Open to all, enabling people from any background to advance on an equal footing to apply unifying principles to their individual and collective lives
Soul Sunday – Interfaith Programs
- Every Sunday at 10:30-11:30 AM at the Fuller Dome, SIUE Campus
- Special celebration for World Religion Day – January 15th
- The heart of this spiritual gathering is the sharing of prayers, inspirational readings, and passages from the scriptures of many faiths. Beyond that, there is no set form. You are welcome to simply sit, meditate and enjoy the spiritual atmosphere, or take a more active role by bringing and reading spiritual writings that uplift you. All are welcome.
Children’s Virtue Classes
- January 15 & 29, February 5 & 26, 1-2 PM at the Edwardsville Library
- Moved from Feb 12th to Feb 5th
- Typically every other Sunday
- Interfaith lessons on kindness, truthfulness and integrity through stories, songs and crafts. Ages 5-12
Unity Fest 2023
- Leclaire Park, Edwardsville, date and time to be announced soon