The first Unity Forum at the Edwardsville Public Library was a great success. Though the group was small, the discussion was very productive and included insights from all present. If you see any mistakes or omissions in these notes, please send a message.
We’ll hold another Unity Forum in July, date TBD.
- Other organizations present
- Rebuilding Together –
- Supporting low income housing with home repair and renovation services
- Serving Madison, St. Clair and Jersey counties
- Faith Coalition Edwardsville –
- Inspired by Joplin tornado
- Includes ~ 12 Christian churches
- Activities include
- Community Day of Service
- Restore Decor
- Collaboration with public safety officers
- Rebuilding Together –
- What are the qualities of a unified community?
- Everyone is well-informed
- Unity efforts/support are for everyone, not just those in financial need
- Diversity is embraced
- What challenges have we faced?
- Awareness of support resources for those in need
- Awareness of existing volunteer opportunities
- Limited resources (financial or people)
- People’s awareness that disunity exists and should be addressed
- Suspicion, fear, prejudice, isolationism
- “Easy to hate, love has to be taught”
- Getting to know your neighbor ignores the possible segregation within communities
- What are some individual initiatives to create unity?
- Include neighbors in community initiatives, where appropriate/possible
- Clean up parks – it’s visible and used by the public
- “Look out” for your neighbor
- Get to know your neighbors
- Be kind
- What are some achievable goals for the Edwardsville Unity group?
- Increase collaboration between existing groups, share volunteer opportunities
- Invite more existing groups to next meeting
- Invite schools to discuss collaboration
- Invite churches
- Invite college clubs
- Invite library representatives
- Invite city representatives
- Facilitate future discussions
- Increase collaboration between existing groups, share volunteer opportunities
- How do we educate children about unity?
- Invite them to participate in service projects
- Introduce other cultures
- Participate in “Blankets for Friends” initiative at children’s hospital
- participate in EPIC program (Edwardsville Peer Influence Club?) at the high school
- Are there other topics related to increasing unity?
- Success happens where collaboration occurs
- Social Service Safety Net – all individuals/families requesting support can seek a fast track via the Edwardsville and Glen Carbon township offices
- Started by Ministerial Alliance and township offices
Disclaimer: these notes do not necessarily reflect the thoughts and opinions of the various groups mentioned