- Presentations of faith
- Modern Paganism – postponed due to illness
- Introductions/event awareness
- Soul sunday – interfaith prayers at Fuller Dome at 10:30am every sunday
- PFlag/Rainbow house – youth event
- SIUE IHP – international students are available for host families
- Lincoln School Alumni – Christmas gifts for underprivileged families, trivia night in March
- Wesley Chapel, AME – Christmas concert at St John’s in early December
- GlenEd Pantry – thanksgiving baskets ~200
- Directors report
- Edwardsville Human Relations Committee
- survey to gather info on racial/social justice
- small/minority owned businesses listing (currently around 50)
- Center for Racial Harmony – acknowledged for 30 years in Belleville
- Meet Belleville Human Relations Committee members
- Financial
- Now have a debit card
- Received Illinois Humanities grant of $5k
- Edwardsville Community Foundation Grant of $5k – we were declined
- Edwardsville Human Relations Committee
- Old business
- Official bylaws reviewed/revised as a group
- Called to motion by Violet Evans, seconded by John Craig. Motion voted on and approved by majority of meeting attendees
- Official bylaws reviewed/revised as a group
- New business
- Schedule date of board elections – Thursday, December 1st at 6pm
- Unity Discussion Group – December 8th at 6pm Edwardsville Library
- Membership application – motion to approve Chris Johnson, seconded by Jesse Allen, Motion voted on and approved by majority of meeting attendees
- Meeting schedule
- Dec 1, 8
- Jan 12, 26
- Alternate between intros on religions and culture at start of each meeting
- Other events – movie night or fundraiser concert, could be similar to Unity Fest. Will look at available expenses and dates
- Unity Fest 2023
- Date: Sept 30th at Leclaire Park
- Motion for date/location by Jesse Allen, seconded by Chris Johnson
- Alternates May-Oct at City Park: unavailable week before and after existing large events: april 15-29, June 3-17, Aug 12-26, sept 9-oct 14
- Memorial day is May 29
- Leclaire Fest is always 3rd sunday
- Date: Sept 30th at Leclaire Park
- Board nominations
- President: Jesse, Jamal
- Secretary: Roger
- Treasurer: Alice
- Additional nominations must be entered before Thursday, Dec 1
- Closing prayer